Transcendental Landscape
Transcendental Landscape, July 2001
3 video loops of 10 minutes.
A collaboration by Robert Boyd, Liselot van der Heijden, Ashley Hunt and Thomas Peutz
The three-channel video installation of "Transcendental Landscape" centers on two iconic towers set against the industrial skyline of Brooklyn and Queens. Conveyed through three diverse perspectives, the installation depicts a condensed narrative of architectural presence, erasure and transfiguration-as the towersimplode and disappear. Seemingly unaffected, the urban environment over which the towers once loomed continues on as before, immediately adapting to the radical reconfiguration.
The installation was part of the exhibition ‘Garden Built For You’ that opened September 1, 2001 at Smart project Space in Amsterdam. It is an uncanny example of how meanings of a work change with a change in context.